Transforming lives through the living Word of God, and whole hearted worship!

As a body of believers, we co-create one another into the image of Jesus Christ, through what each member supplies.

  • Our primary destiny is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, and our secondary destiny is to fulfill our ministry here on earth and to rule and reign in this life and the next seated in Christ in a position of Authority on a throne. We put the cart before the horse and…


    This message is going to be deep because we must experience the flow of the Spirit. It is in the flow that we come into an intimate relationship with God. So, I am going to be using some metaphysical language to help explain this. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studied the fundamental nature…

  • We have a creative spirit within that knows how to take advantage of every situation and circumstance. One of God’s prime development tools is teaching us how to move in the opposite spirit. The teachings of Jesus known as the beatitudes are a prime example of how life and the Spirit needs to be lived…


    Father, I surrender control of my life to you. Fill me. Thank you for the anointing. Open eyes and ears. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Why do I even exist? No matter how fulfilling our life may be, there is nothing in this world that can fulfill the…

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